Sabtu, 08 September 2018


(The research at first semester students of English study program of Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu in academic year 2011-2012)


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NPM: 0821110047



1.1 Background
Nowadays, English language is very important to our lives. This language is used world-widely in sciences, knowledge and technology as well as education, business, transaction, and other activities in the world. In the past, the Indonesian students start learning English at junior high school (SLTP) as a compulsory subject. There are some reasons why do the researcher chooses this title, namely; the first one is because English is becomes one of the international languages. Indonesians tend to spend more time to learn English since English is a foreign language in Indonesia. Indonesian learns English to communicate in two forms, they are in spoken and Written forms.
 The second one is because in learning English the students need to master the vocabulary first the cause is it consists of the knowledge of meaning as the main Component of a language, should be taught together especially with reading. So, ideally vocabulary should be part of reading because one needs the mastery of vocabulary to comprehend the reading text. The reading skills, however, are viewed as a tool of communication in the written language through the form of magazines, newspapers, textbooks, short story and others. So it can be concluded that the reading skill is very important for people who mostly learn English through written texts.
Moreover, to increase the skill in reading comprehension, students should master the language components such as; phonology, grammar, and pronunciation. Reading is one of the four main skills in learning English besides listening, speaking, and writing. Ideally, students should be able to master various skills for reading purpose. It is a fact that students are still poor in mastering those skills.
Based on the description above, so  in this research the researcher wants to know how much influence the development of vocabulary in reading short stories for the first semester of English study program of Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu in academic year 2011-2012.
1.2 Research Problem
The basic problems the researcher wants to discuss in this research are:
1.      How much influence the increase vocabulary through reading short stories?
2.       How to read short stories to improve vocabulary?
3.      How the teachers more interested to teach vocabulary trough reading short stories ?

1.3 The Objectives of the Research
The Objectives of this Research are:
1.      To find out how much influence the increase vocabulary through reading short stories for first semester students of English study program of Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu in academic year 2011-2012.
2.      To find out and Describing using short stories to improve students’ vocabulary.
3.      Finding why teacher interested to teach vocabulary trough short stories

1.4 Significance of the research
The research will give some useful information about vocabulary achievement and reading comprehension achievement. This research will also present the description to efforts to increase students' vocabulary by reading short story at first semester students of english study program of muhammadiyah university of bengkulu in academic year 2011-2012.

1.5 Definition of the key terms
This research has clarification of the key terms as follows:
·         Vocabulary
Vocabulary is words as units that were part of grammatical pattern
·         Reading
Reading is one of the four main skills in learning English besides listening,speaking, and writing.
·         Short story
Short story  is a work of fiction that is usually written in prose, often in narrative format.


2.1 Definition of vocabulary
Preece (1936:1655) claims that “vocabulary” means a list of words with their meanings, glossary, some of words used in a language or particular books or a branch of science. Charles (1971:71) has different definitions about vocabulary, he said” vocabulary as a stock or supply of words that a person uses or understands even if he does not use them in oral or written communication or in reading”
From the statements above the writer concluded that vocabulary is a list or a series of words that is used to express the idea or in other meaning it is used for general communication.
2.2 The Introduction of Vocabulary
According to Sitters (1991:1-3) the things related to the introduction of
shaping the vocabulary are as follows:
a. The role of dictionary
Learning language cannot be separated from the dictionary because the dictionary can give the eation of words if students do not know about the meaning. In learning English the students must have a good dictionary or at least two dictionaries, those are an advanced dictionary and a small one. The advanced one is better because it is more complete than the small one. The small dictionary usually only gives short definition and less explanation.
b. The students’ memory
Saving vocabulary in a small notebook is an effective way to control the students’ memory in remembering new vocabularies. It will be easy to be brought everywhere. The students can write the vocabularies that they heard or found and open it again whenever they need. Besides the notebook, the students can use flash cards. They can write the foreign word on one side and the definition on another side of the card. Whenever they have spare time they can check or see the card and measure how many words they have remembered.
The researcher concludes that vocabulary is the important thing beside many factors in learning English. Without mastering vocabulary, it is impossible to master English well. The more students get the vocabulary, the easier to increase their English skills.

2. 3 The Teaching of Vocabulary
Broadly speaking, Finocchiaro (1974: 73-74) says that there are several premises and comments related to the teaching of vocabulary. Those are:
a. Not all of the words a student hears during any lesson need become a part of his “active” vocabulary during that lesson or even in later lessons. Some words in the new language (and in our native language) will remain “passive”, that is, we understand them when we hear or read them, but we do not use them ourselves in speaking or in writing. The vocabulary for active use should be systematically presented and practiced.
b. Vocabulary should always be taught in normal speech utterances.
c. New vocabulary items should always be introduced in known structures.
d. Whenever possible, the vocabulary items should be centered about one topic.
e. Whenever a familiar world is met in a new context, it should be taught again and practiced.
f. Vocabulary items should be taught in the same way we teach everything else. We give our students an understanding of the meaning in many ways.
g. Vocabulary should be practiced, as structures are practiced-in substitution drills, transformational drills, transformation drills, questions and answers, etc.
h. Vocabulary items should be reintroduced many times with all the structures and all the situations in which they can logically be used.



3.1 Research Design
This research will be designed by experimental research
3.2 Population and Sample
3.2.1 Population
Population is people or other things discussed in the research (Suharsimi,2002:108). In this case, the subjects of the research were the first semester students of English study program of Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu in academic year 2011-2012.
3.3 The Instrument
In this research, the writer only used objective test. The researcher uses objectives test, in this case, the multiple choice type for both the vocabulary and reading short story.

3.4  Data Collection
In this research, there are two instruments were utilized to obtain the data. There are vocabulary test and reading the short story. the first semester students  of English study program of Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu in academic year 2011-2012 are asked to
do the test by answering some questions and the questions are multiple choices.

3.5 Technique of Analysis Data
In analyzing the data the researcher will use a formula. 

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