Jumat, 07 September 2018

Using Teaching Media by English Teacher in SMP N 2 Bengkulu

English Language Teaching

Using Teaching Media by English Teacher in SMP N 2 Bengkulu

By :
 Jon Sastro

Drs. Sinarman Jaya, M.Pd




1.1  Background

Media is a tool used to facilitate human to do something, for example, communication tools, transport tools, so the media can be easy in activity. media consisted of print and electronic media. Media of schools are an important part, because the media is supporting to teacher’success in teaching. Types of media are, audio, printed, visual, audiovisual, and real object.

Beside that, teaching method became one of the important points in teaching and learning activities. Basically, the method refers to the learning approach. Learning approach includes two aspects, which is the nature of the subject matter and learning theory. Learning methods associated with the techniques used by teachers in teaching and learning activities in accordance with the media used. Therefore, to achieve good development in teaching and learning, teachers must create a variety of teaching techniques and provide a media to enhance children's motivation.

1.2  research problem

Base on in the introduction above is research will discuss about media English teacher using in SMP N 2 Bengkulu.
1.      what media to used teachers in teaching?
2.      What method used by teachers in teaching?
1.3  research objective
the objective research is to find out and describe about media English teacher using and teaching method in SMP N 2 Bengkulu.

1.4  the significance  of the research
Importance of this research is to inform the reader about the media and techniques  in learning. Researchers hope this research can also give readers information about media developments in the wider community and it is hoped the reader will know the development of media that is in use in learning.

1.5  the limitation of the research
In this reseach, the writer limit the research only to investigate the process media used and techniques  in learning.



2.1   Definition of media
Based on Heinich, (1993), The word "media" comes from the Latin word is the plural of the word "medium". Literally the word means an intermediary or an introduction.
Available types of media include printed, audio, visual, audiovisual, real object. Print usually refers to newspapers, magazines and book. Electronic media are usually referred to as broadcast media, or radio and television.
Media provides many benefits to users expecially in school element, such as:
·         Meets the needs of students to be wise consumers of media, managers of information and responsible producers of their ideas using the powerful multimedia tools of a global media culture.
·         Students can bring the media into the classroom connects learning with "real life" and validates their media culture as a rich environment for learning.
·         Gives students and teachers alike a common approach to critical thinking that, when internalized, becomes second nature for life.
·         Increases the ability and proficiency of students to communicate and disseminate their thoughts and ideas in a wide range of print and electronic media forms and even international venues.
·         Media literacy's "inquiry process" transforms teaching and frees the teacher to learn along with students becoming a "guide on the side" rather than a "sage on the stage."
·         By focusing on process skills rather than content knowledge, students gain the ability to analyze any message in any media and thus are empowered for living all their lives in a media-saturated culture.



3.1 Methodology
This is a descriptive study that aims to describe what the media and methods used by English teachers d SMP N 2 bengkulu. The authors collected data by examining directly to the SMP N 2 bengkulu, and interview the teacher.

3.2 Data and data sources

Data is any information about the purpose of research. data taken from the events of teaching and learning English lessons in junior high school N 2 Bengkulu, which involves teachers and students. and sources of data retrieved from note, interviews, research and photos. research conducted in the 7 D-class.

3.2 Technique for colleting the data

1. observations to the class
2. Interview the teacher
          3. with taking the photo



4.1 introduction

In this research found many media used by teachers in teaching mainly English teacher in junior high school N 2 bengkulu. It was described that this study tried to describe and analyze, there are;
1.      to describe the reasons for the use of media in teaching
2.       analyze the form of media used and what kind of method
The data from observation indicates that, there are several reasons why the study uses many media, there are:
1.  make learning to be interesting
2.  make the students do not get bored
3.  make easy the learning
4.  show off a person's ability to use science and technology
5.  learning and teaching styles

4.2 Results

Our observation in SMP N 2 Bengkulu, three teachers and three classes, that are:
1. 9 I-class  with his teacher mam Sri Handayani, S. Pd (Mesri’s observation)
2. 7 D-class with the teacher mame Hartati Mala, S. Pd (my observation)
3. 7 I-class with her teacher mam Lili Suarni, S. Pd (nova’s observations)

In my observations directly into the 7 D-class for 2X40 minutes, there are basic media such as tables, chairs, white board, markers, and etc. and there are teacher and students, teacher named Mala Hartati, S.Pd. In teaching and learning activities, I made some observations. at the time the material is about family, every student already has a book and LKS. In opening teacher first explain about the family, and create a family chart on the board.
After that  the teacher asked students to tell their families, this is very interesting, because students with a passion to tell his family, and I like it. After that teachers instruct students to open the book and the teacher pointed to each student to read the story and answer the direct question that has been available in books.

            So based on the explanation above , the media is in use Mala Hartati,S.Pd  in learning are:
1. blackboard
2. markers
3. textbook
           And methods in use are:
1. Ask the student
2. based on the book material

And than I take data in a direct interview (simpe dialogue) with the English teachers, by using Indonesian, namely: Mala Hartati,S.Pd, she teach in the 7D classroom:

Saya              :  Mam, dalam mengajar media apa yang biasa mam gunakan?
Guru             : Tergantung materinya, tapi yang jelas untuk materi sekarang tentang family mam menggunakan text book yaitu LKS dan buku paket
Saya              : Bagaimana dengan media yang lain mam, seperti LCD, TV, laptop, dan lain-lain
Guru             : LCD kita ada, tapi sangat terbatas jadi untuk menggunakannya sangat jarang sekali, bahkan mam belum pernah menggunakannya. Heee….. (she smiled )
Saya              : Ohh, hee…emm bagaimana dengan metode pembelajarannya mam?
Guru             : Yaa, kayaknya sama saja dengan guru-guru yang lain, seperti metode picture dan example, belajar yang menggunakan gambar dan contoh, kemudian metode ask the students, kemudian metode debat antara pro dan konta dalam suatu masalah, emm… apalagi yaa,, ???? oh ya dengan metode Team Games Tournament (TGT), metode ini pernah  mam gunakan, untuk memancing daya piker siswa, tapi jarang, hee… tapi semuanya sesuai dengan materi apa yang sedang di pelajari
Saya              : Dari berbagai media dan metode, menurut mam mana yang paling murid sukai?
Guru             : Mereka banyak yang suka yang tadi seperti games, debat, dengan metode ini mereka memiliki antusias yang tinggi, terkadang kelas jadi rebut, tapi mam sangat suka degan keeadaan seperti ini. Kalau masalah media, mereka biasa aja, maksudnya mengikuti, seperti untuk materi sekarang mam Cuma menggunakan text book
Saya              : Ooh begitu ya mam, saya rasa sudah lebih dari cukup ni mam, maaf ya mam sudah mengganggu, dan terima kasih banyak atas waktu dan kerja samanya.
Guru             : Sama – sama,, ya gak apa-apa, mam juga pernah seperti kalian
Saya              : Saya permisi yam am, assalamualiukum
Guru             : Walaikumsalam

Based on conversations that teachers have responded to what I ask so I get information about the media and the methods used by the teacher



5.1 conclussions
Based on the results and discussion in chapter IV of this research takes a few conclusions. The reason why the media is widely used, especially in learning, this I get from direct research and interviews of teachers, that are:
1. using the media makes it easy to deliver the principal lesson
2. make a brief and simple in learning
3. make the students do not get bored
3. train a person's ability to use scientific knowledge and technology
4. advanced learning styles

5.2 suggestion
In this study of media in teaching and learning activities is very good, because what? Because from the media that all so easy, simple, interesting, not boring and to make students able to recognize a variety of media. more and more media in getting good teachers use in teaching and learning, so I agree with the media and methods in use English teacher in junior high school N 2 bengkulu.


Paltridge, Brian. 2000. Definition of media. Last edit by Brezzyanna. University of south Australia
Gorman, David. 1992. Download 11 december 2010. Learning methods. http//www.learningmethods.com
SMP N 2. 2010. Photo of teaching and learning activities. Bengkulu
Spolsky, B. 1998. Sociolinguistics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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