Jumat, 07 September 2018



A research proposal arrangement

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Assalamu’alaikum Wr, Wb
            All praise is to Allah SWT, the lord of the word. Also peace and blessing be upon the prophet Muhammad SAW, because of god bless, the research has finished this proposal “ an analysis translating idioms meaning in the first album of mocca ‘my diary albums’”
            In this proposal, the researcher wants to says thanks for contribution, guidance, assistance, support and motivation. There are my family(my father, my mother, my sister, and my brother), my best friends(fery, herza, dewi, timi, indah and all of in VI C class) , and special to my lecturer (Sinarman jaya, M.Pd and Rusman dianto,S.Pd) who provided guidance in writing and finishing this research.
            Finally, the researcher hopes this proposal can be useful for the readers, especially for both students and lectures, then the from these proposal readers to complete it.

Bengkulu         May 2011


This chapter brief discussion of the background of problem research question, the objective of the research, significance of the research, limitation of key terms of the research and definition
1.1  Background
Translating is the activity of changing messages from one language to another. In other words, translation deals, at least, with two forms of languages in which the source language (SL) and target language (TL) convey the same messages. Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language closest natural equivalent of the source language message in the terms of meaning and style (Eugene A. Nida. 1969). Based on (Lim; 2004) an idiom can be defined as a group of words strung together to assume a specific meaning different from the meaning of each individual word. Such an idiomatic meaning can normally be expressed through other means, but it is usually not done so with equal force and vividness.
In the fact people do not live alone in the world in the sense that there is another part in the world where other people stay with different language, cultures, etc. because they need one another, problem arise namely how they communicate each other and how they get information. Though they have different language, they learn other’s thought or idea and get the information through translation. Therefore, the science of translation is needed and the translation itself spreads out faster.
Based on information above, the researcher feels that it is necessary to carry out a research about translating idioms meaning in the first album of Mocca ‘my diary albums’”
1.2  Research question
Based on the background above the researcher would like to study the answers of the problem below:
1.      How do translate idioms meaning in English song?
2.      What kinds of the translation?
1.3  The objective of the research
This study intended to know:
1.      Ways in translate idioms meaning in English song
2.      To know what kind of the translation
1.4  Significance of the research
The significance of the research is to give information to the reader about to translate idioms meaning in English song. The researcher hopes this research also can give the reader information how to make good translate from SL to TL so can get the real meaning.
1.5  Limitation of the research
In this research, the writer limits the research only to investigate the process of translating idioms meaning in the first album of Mocca ‘my diary albums’”.

1.6  Definition of key terms
1.      Translation is the act of replacing, material in course language (English) by replacing text material in target language (Indonesia).
2.      Idiom is an expression, which cannot be understood from the literal meaning of the world of which it is composed.

This chapter presents brief a discussion of theorical frame work: definition of translation, kind of translation, the process of translation, definition of idiom, Mocca, my diary album, Lyrics, and previous study.
2.1              Theorical frame work
2.1.1        definition of translation
There are many definitions of translation. Many experts made a definition about translation. Based oxford (2000: 1382) said that translation is the process of changing something that is written or spoken into another language; into different form; the translation theory in practice.
Duff (1989) defined that translation as the process of conveying the messages across linguistics and cultural barriers. According to Yusuf (1994) translation can be defined as all of human activities of transferring spoken or written message of the first language almost similar to spoken or written message of the second language.
Robinson (1997: 27) said that translation is often called a profession of second choice sometimes several, other fields in succession, and only turned to translation when they lost or quit those jobs or moved to a country where they to practice them, as translators they often unable mediate between former colleagues in two or more different language communities.
Based on some of definitions of translation above, it can be concluded that translating as all of human activities in substituting spoken or written message includes of linguistic and cultural condition of the first language (sourse language) by an equivalent linguistic and cultural condition of the second language ((target language) first, related to equivalent meaning of the source language into the target language. Second, related to the translator’s choice of words to convey the ideas from the mind of the speaker to the hearer’ mind.
2.1.2        kind of translation
Talking about kinds of translation, Larson (1984:15) suggests that there are two kind of translation, literal translation and idiomatic translation. In order get clear explanation, the write is going to discuss two points one by one.
a.       Literal translation
Larson (1984:15) calls this kind of translation as form-based translation since it attempt to follow the form of the source language. It is desirable to reproduce the linguistics features of the source language, not only for the form but also follow the sentence structure of the source language. Further he explains that literal translation sounds like non sense and has a little communication value. Actually the literal translation can often be understood, since the general grammatical form may be similar. However, the literal choice of lexical items makes the translation sound foreign.
b.      Idiomatic translation
Other experts call this kind of translation as free translation. Larson (1984;15) categorizes this kind of translation as meaning-based translation in which it makes effort to communicate the meaning of the source language text into the natural forms of the receptor language. Further says (1985;16)
Idiomatic translation uses the natural forms of the receptor language, both in the grammatical constructions and in the choice of lexical items. A truly idiomatic translation does not sound like translation. It sounds like it was written originally in the receptor language.
2.1.3        the process of translation
According to Widyamarta (1989;15)there are seven processes of translation they are:
1)      tuning 
by this we mean getting the feel of the to be translated, depending on their field of work, translators need to able to produce the language of a poet or novelist, lawyer or economist, research physics or factory manager, advertising copy writer.
2)      Analysis
Once the translator has attuned mind to framework of the text to be translated, he will take each sentence in turn and spilt it up into translate able unit ward or phase.
3)      Understanding
After heaving split up the sentence to be translate into its elements, that translator will generally put it together again in a form which he can understand or respond to emotionally.

4)      Terminology
This step is to consider the key ward and phrases in the sentence to make sure that a part from understanding them which is in line standardized usage is neither miss leading, ridiculous not offensive for the target language reader.
5)      Restructuring
When all the bricks needed for the edifice of the target language text have been gathered made the translator will fir them together in a form that is in accordance with good usage in target language.
6)      Checking
The translator will doubtless check his draft translator for typing errors and passage where a second perusal suggests a more correct translation.
7)      Discussion
For this reason, a good way to end the translation process is often with a discussion between the translator and the expert on the subject master and Robinson (1998;102) also glues explaining about the processes of translation.
2.1.4        definition of idiom
Based on (Lim; 2004) an idiom can be defined as a group of words strung together to assume a specific meaning different from the meaning of each individual word. Such an idiomatic meaning can normally be expressed through other means, but it is usually not done so with equal force and vividness.
An idiom is expression or a fixed group of words that need special attention of the readers. It cannot be translated literally meaning of another language because it has e special meaning and has a function as one of semantic unity (Tarigan; 1990). It means that a idiom should be translated as totality. If it is translated meaning of the dictionary or word for word translation the meaning will not the same with the idiomatic meaning.
2.1.5        Mocca
Mocca is an Indonesian four-member band formed in 1997 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The band's musical style is inspired by the retro sounds of the 70s, with influences of swing, bossa nova, Swedish pop, and jazz. The core of the band is Arina Ephipania Simangunsong, Riko Prayitno, Achmad ("Toma") Pratama, and Indra Massad. When playing live, MOCCA is supported by six additional players on keyboards, guitar, percussion, trumpet, trombone, and sax.
2.1.6        “My diary” album
In 2003 they released their album "My Diary" with the indie label "FFWD". This album exploded on the market. Songs like "Secret Admirer" and "Me and My Boyfriend" became hits everywhere. Video clip "Me and My Boyfriend" received an award as "best video of the year" award MTV version Music Indonesia 2003.

2.1.7        Lyrics
According to Horn by in Oxford Dictionary, (1991: 517) lyric is an expression of direct personal feelings for singing, an expression of strong emotion in an imaginative way, and word of a song. Lyric derives from the Greek word lyrics, meaning "singing to the lyre". A lyric poem is one that expresses a subjective, personal point of view.
2.2              previous study
Risnaini (2007)
Translating English idioms into Indonesia
Who able to translate score very well, there were 7 students from 74 students, and 11 students had good ability. 23 students had moderate ability and 19 students had bad ability, 14 had very bad ability.
Ike krisnawati (2008)
The English student ability in translating English sentences containing verbal idioms into Indonesia
There were 31 students with moderate qualification on translation test, 36 students with poor qualification on translation test, and 7 students with fail qualification on translation test.

This chapter presents brief discussion of research design, research object / subject, technique of collecting data, technique of analyzing data.
3.1 Research design
The method in this research is descriptive research. According to Maxwell (1996; 117) qualitative research is the research that focused on specific situation or people, and it is emphasis on words rather than number. It means that this research will describe.
3.2 Research object
The subject of the research is the first album of Mocca “my diary album” there are 7 English songs:
1.      big city
2.      happy
3.      I remember
4.      Listen to me
5.      Me and my boyfriend
6.      On the night like this
7.      Secret admire
3.3 Technique of collecting data
In collecting the data the researcher will use some following steps, namely:
1.      take the  Mocca songs in first album
2.       Listen the songs
3.      Translate the lyrics song
4.      Analysis word by word
5.      Analysis the idiom meaning
6.      data collected
3.4 Technique of analysis data
The technique of data processing that is used as a reference base in research. After the data are gathered, the researcher specifies the steps of data processing in this research as follow:
a.       Translate each song lyric which is obtained from Mocca’s my diary Album song lyrics to understand the meaning of the lyrics in more familiar language generally.
b.      Analysis the words, terms, or sentences that contain the meaning of idioms word by word.
c.       Checking the results of the analysis conducted.
d.      Discussion, this is a good way to end the translation process.
e.       Summarizing and generalizing the findings to conclude the idioms meanings are there in the lyrics.


Nurcholis, ivan achmad. 2009. Translation (students’ practical workbook). Bengkulu. Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu.
Risnaini. 2007. Translation English idiom into Indonesian.Bengkulu. unpublished thesis of FKIP UMB.
Brandt, Harald E. 2009. Translation  procedurehttp://bragit.com

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