Jumat, 07 September 2018



NARATIVE TEXT                                                                                                       JON SASTRO

Pak Belalang was famous. He had a magic book that could tell everything. He always learned something every time he read the magic book.
It was a beautiful evening. Pak belalang had some guests. Suddenly he asked his son to get him the magic book. He wanted to show his magic ability to the guests.
After reading the magic book, he said, "I think there is a mouse in the trap."
His son immediately went to the kitchen and took the mousetrap. Pak Belalang was right! There was a mouse caught in the trap.
The guests were surprised. They were Belalang's magic book.
After all the guests went home, Pak Belalang laughed. "Ha...ha...ha... I fooled them. They didn't know I had put a mouse trap. Ha...ha...ha..."
Yes, Pak Belalang was a liar. He actually did not have a magic book. It was just an ordinary book. He lied because he wanted to be famous.
One day, the king called Pak Belalang to the palace to find the missing jewellery. The king gave him seven days to find it. Pak Belalang knew that if he could not find the jewellery, he would be punished. He would go to jail.
Pak Belalang went to every place to find the jewellery. On the seventh day he still could not find them. So, he held a farewell dinner with his family.
Pak Belalang said to his wife, "Please make some pancakes."
When the first pancake was ready, Pak Belalang said, "This one is yellow. Please make another." When the second one is ready, he said, "This is too brown, make me another one."
Within every pancake, Pak Belalang said too dark, too fat, too thin, and so on. Meanwhile, Pak Belalang did not know that some thieves were hiding under his house. Those were the thieves who stole the king's jewellery.
The thieves wanted to know what Pak Belalang would say about them. When they heard the words yellow, brown, dark, fat, thin, they become frightened because each of them were yellow, brown, dark fat and thin.
A moment later, the seven thieves knocked on his door. They cried, "Please help us, Pak Belalang! We will return the jewellery. We promise not to steal anymore!"
Pak Belalang then brought the jewellery to the palace. The king was so happy and gave him great gifts.
Pak Belalang was so thankful. he promised himself not to lie anymore. Next time he wouldn't be lucky. He could be punished for his wrong doing.

Social Function
To tell the reader about the story” pak belalang” or past events

Generic Structure
• Orientation: sees the scene and introduces the participants.
• Evaluation: a stepping back to evaluate the plight.
• Complication: a crisis arises.
• Resolution: the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse

Significant Lexicogrammatical Features
·         Use simple past tense
·         Use connectives
·         Use action verb

DESCRIPTIVE TEXT                                                                                                  JON SASTRO
Toba Lake
World famous is the crater Toba Lake in the Batak highlands; approximately five hours drive from Medan. Toba Lake is the largest lake in South East Asia and also one of the most spectacular, surrounded by tall mountains and with the large island of Samosir in the middle. If we descend from the mountain we see the lake glittering in all its beauty. The Dutch writer Rudy Kousbroek even called Toba Lake, 'the most beautiful place on earth'. Most visitors stay on the peninsula of Tuk Tuk on Samosir, named after the linguist Herman Neubronner van der Tuuk. In general people stay several days on Samosir to discover the island, to visit traditional Batak villages, to swim in the lake and go to the hot springs in Pangururan.

The centerpiece of North Sumatra, Lake Toba's bracing climate and magnificent panoramas clear the mind and soothe the soul. For decades a magnet from regional and foreign visitors alike, Toba has developed into a full-featured highland resort while retaining the rustic charm and relaxed ambiance that define Toba's attraction. Formed by a stupendous prehistoric volcanic explosion, the 100 km long lake is the largest in Southeast Asia and one of the deepest and the highest in the world. The drama of that cataclysmic birth persist in 500 meter cliffs dropping into the blue-green waters, surrounded by steep, pine covered sloped, the climate is fresh and pleasant, with just enough rain to support the lush vegetation.

Toba Lake is a 100kms x 30kms volcanic lake in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Toba Lake has become one of the main tourist attractions for a long time in North Sumatra apart from Bukit Lawang and Nias, visited by both domestic and foreign tourist.

social function (purpose) :
to describe a particular person, place or thing.

Generic structure :
identification : identify phenomenon to be described
description : describe parts, qualities, characteristics

language features :
1. Focus on specific participants
2. Use of attributive and identifying processes
3. Frequent use classifiers in nominal groups
4. Use of simple present tense

REPORT TEXT                                                                                                            JON SASTRO

Birds are interesting flying animals. They are vertebrates and warm blooded animals. They belong to aves class and they can be found all over the world.

Birds breath with their air pocket. Beside as respiration organ, air pocket also can enlarge or reduce their weight when flying or swimming.

There are many kinds of birds. Earth bird has special characteristic. They have different morphology acording to their food and their habitat. Some of them eat seeds, pollen, fish or meat. There are some species that live in land and the others live in water. Land birds live on their nest.

Social Function:
Describe the way things are (for example: a man-made thing, animals, plants). The things must be a representative of their class.
Text organization/Generic Structure:
  1. General classification (Introduce the topic of the report, such as: the class or the subclass)
  2. Description (tell the shape/form, parts, behaviour, habitat, way of survival)
Language Feature:
  1. The use of general nouns
  2. The use of relating verbs
  3. The use of present tense
  4. The use of behavioral verbs

RECOUNT TEXT                                                                                                         JON SASTRO
RA Kartini

          Every April 21, people in Indonesia commemorate the Kartini day. It is a beautiful day for the woman because we celebrate the birth of great lady, RA. Kartini. Everyone knows who kartini is. She is our national heroine and a great lady with the bright idea.
Kartini was born in 1879, April 21 in Mayong Jepara. Her father was RMAA. Sosroningrat, Wedana (assistant of head of regency) in Mayong. Her mother, MA Ngasirah was a girl from Teluk Awur village in Jepara. As the daughter of a noble family, she felt luck because she got more than the ordinary people got. She got better education than otherchildren. She did anything she wants although it was forbidden. She passed her childhood with her brother and sister. Because she was very energetic, her father called her "trinil"
Then her father was chosen as Bupati (the head of regency) in Jepara. She and her family then moved from Mayong to Jepara. In the same year, Kartini's second sister RA Kardinah was born. The environment in Jepara gave her big chance to develop her idea. She could study at the Dutch owned school where only children from noble family could study here. Few years after finishing her study, RA. Kartini was willing to continue her study in higher level. But the custom of that day forbid a woman to go to school. A tradition of that time, a teenage girl should be secluded and limited her activity. So was Kartini. She was secluded inside the house and forbidden to go out until a man propose her. The rule could restrict her body but not her mind. During her "pingitan" time, she spent her time by reading book which she got from her relatives.
Although she was not able to continue her study to higher level, she was smart had a bright idea. She got the knowledge from the books she read. To express her idea, she established a school for local people on the backyard of Jepara city hall. In November 12,1903, she married Adipati Djoyodiningrat, the head of Rembang regency. According to Javanese tradition Kartini had to follow her husband. Then she moved to Rembang. In September 13, 1904 she gave a birth to her son. His name was Singgih. But after giving birth to a son, her condition was getting worse and she finally passed away on September 17, 1904 on her 25 years old.
Now Kartini has gone. But her spirit and dream will always be in our heart. Nowadays Indonesian women progress is influenced by Kartini's spirit stated on collection of letter "Habis gelap terbitlah terang" from the dusk to the dawn.

Social function
To  retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience.

Generic Structure of Recount

1. Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
2. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
3. Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story
Language Feature of Recount

• Introducing personal participant
• Using chronological connection
• Using linking verb
• Using action verb
• Using simple past tense

EXPLANATION TEXT                                                                                               JON SASTRO
How Chocolate is Made

Have we wondered how we get chocolate from? Well this time we will enter the amazing world of chocolate so we can understand exactly we are eating.

Chocolate starts a tree called cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions, especially in place such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of a small pine apple. In side the fruits are the tree's seeds. They are also known as coco beans.

Next, the beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun. After that they are shipped to the chocolate maker. The chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavour. Different beans from different places have different qualities and flavour. So they are often shorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix.

The next process is winnowing. The roasted beans are winnowed to remove the meat nib of the cacao bean from its shell. Then the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid. The liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter.

All seeds contain some amount of fat and cacao beans are not different. However, cacao beans are half fat, which is why the ground nibs from liquid. It is pure bitter chocolate.

Social Function:
To explain the processes involved in the formation or working of natural or sociocultural phenomena.

Generic Structure
·                     A general statement to position the reader
·                     A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs.

Significant Lexicogrammatical Features
·                     Focus on generic, non-human Participants
·                     Use mainly of Material Processes and Relational Processes
·                     Use mainly of Temporal and causal Circumstances and Conjunctions

ANECDOTE TEXT                                                                                                      JON SASTRO
because of being bitten by dog

There was a black family in Scotland years ago. They were Clark family with nine children. They had a dream to go to America. The family worked and saved. They were making plan to travel with their children to America. It had taken several years but finally they had saved enough money. They had gotten passport. They had booked seats for the whole family member in a new liner to America.

The entire family was full of anticipation and excitement with their new life in America. However few days before their departure, the youngest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor sewed up the boy. Because of the possibility of getting rabies, there were being quarantined for long days. They were in quarantine when the departure time came. The family dreams were dashed. They could not make the trip to America as they had planned.The father was full of disappointed and anger. He stomped the dock to watch the ship leaved without him and his family. He shed tears of disappointment. He cursed both his son and God for the misfortune.

Five days latter, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland. The ship, the mighty Titanic, had shank. It took hundreds of passenger and crew with it. Titanic which had been called the unsinkable ship had sunk. It was unbelievable but it was.

The Clak family should have been on that ship, but because of the bitten son by a dog, they were left behind. When the father heard the news, he hugged the son and thanked him for saving the family. He thanked God for saving their lives. It was a blessing behind a tragedy.

Social Function
Anecdote is a text which retells funny and unusual incidents in fact or imagination. Its purpose is to entertain the readers.

Generic Structure
1. Abstract
2. Orientation
3. Crisis
4. Incident.

Language Feature
1. Using exclamation words
2. Using imperative
3. Using rhetoric question
4. Using action verb
5. Using conjunction of time
6. Using simple past tense

SPOOF TEXT                                                                                                               JON SASTRO
here was a man who liked money very much. He worked all of his life and wanted to save all of his money for his own future. He was a real miser when it came to his money. He loved money more than just about anything.

Even, just before he died, he said to his wife; "Now listen, when I die, I want you to take all my money and place it in the casket with me. I wanna take my money to the afterlife." So he asked his wife to promise him with all her heart that when he died, she would put all the money in the casket with him.

Well, one day, he really died. Then he was stretched out in the casket. The wife was sitting there in black clothes next to her closest friend. When they finished the ceremony, just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said "Wait just a minute!"

She had a box in her hands. She came over with the box and placed it in the casket. After that the undertakers locked the casket down and rolled it away. Not long after that, her friend said, "I hope you were not crazy enough to put all that money in the casket."

The wife turned to her friend and replied; "Yes, because I have promised." Then she continued; "I can't lie. I promised him that I was going to put that money in that casket with him." Feeling shocked, her friend said; "You mean that you have put every cent of his money in the casket with him?" Then the wife answered; "Surely I did. I got it all together, put all the money into my account and I just wrote him a check."

Social functions
To entertain the reader or hearer.

Generic structure:
Orientation: It is the introduction of the story. By giving the orientation, reader will recognize, for the first time, who involves in the story.The above story talks about a wife and his husband who loves money too much even up to his death.
Events: Several events are explored in chronological way which able to arrange the story read nicely.Promising with her money miser husband, Putting the box inside casket, locking and rolling the casket are the events which build the complete story.
Twist: This is the unpredictable event/thing/way which amuse the reader. Readers even did not predict before that it would be. When reading the above story, for the first, readers likely think that the wife would put all the money instead of just a check

Grammatical features
Use simple past tense
Using action verb
Using conjunction of time

PROCEDURE TEXT                                                                                                   JON SASTRO
Having a kite flying is interesting and make it by self is easy. Prepare the following materials to make a kite:
Butcher cord
Scotch tape or glue
1 Sheet of strong paper
2 Strong, straight wooden sticks of bamboo, Markers, paint or crayons

After the materials have been prepared, the directions bellow is easy instruction on how to make a kite:
1. Make a cross with the two sticks, with the shorter stick placed horizontally across the longer stick.
2. Tie the two sticks together with the string in such a way as to make sure that they are at right angles to each other.
3. Cut a notch at each end of the sticks. Make it deep enough for the type of string you are using to fit in to. Cut a piece of string long enough to stretch all around the kite frame.
4. Lay the sail material flat and place the stick frame face down on top. Cut around it, leaving about 2-3cm for a margin. Fold these edges over and glue it down so that the material is tight.
5. Make a tail by tying a small ribbon roughly every 10cm along the length of string.
6. Decorate your kite with the markers!

Social Funcion:
to describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps.
or to describe how to make something

Generic Structure:
-Materials (not required for all procedural texts)
-Steps (i.e., goal followed by a series of steps oriented to achieving the goal)

-Focus on generalized human agents
-Use of simple present tense, often imperative
-Use mainly of temporal conjunctions (or numbering to indicate sequence)
-Use mainly of material processes.

ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION                                                                                   JON SASTRO
Jakarta as a Bad Working Place for Expatriates
Jakarta is the second-worst place for expatriates to work in outside of the United States of America, Canada and Western Europe. It is according to a recent report published by Businessweek.
The Businessweek report ranked emerging markets that might be challenging to move into due to their level of pollution, disease, political violence and availability of good and services.
The report ranked Jakarta second, just below lagos in Nageria and above Riyadh Saudi Arabia, saying the threat of violence from extremest, in particular, was serious drawback to living in Jakarta. Bombings targeting foreign interests in Jakarta, such as the JW Marriot hotel bombing in 2003, have been repeated elsewhere in the city.
The report said despite problem common to many developing cities such as the risk of disease, poor sanitation, and excessive pollution, Indonesia can be an enticing location.
In response, the Jakarta administration took the report positively, saying it could spur the administration to improve its performance.
Social functions
Exposing and influencing audiences matters/topics must be concerned about
Generic structure
·         Thesis
·         Arguments
·         Reiteration

Grammatical features
·         Use simple present tense
·         Use passive sentences
·         Using connectives

DISCUSSION TEXT                                                                                                   JON SASTRO

Convenience or Care?

When something issued by someone, we say it has been consumed. We as consumers use many things, both natural and processed. We consume more of the Earth’s resources than other animals do and, as a result, we cause problems for the environment.
Like all animals, we need clean air and water, food and shelter for survival. Unlike other animals, however, we have certain “want”. These are items that are not necessary for our survival, but that we want because they make our lives easier or more enjoyable.
Environments claims that a great deal of waste is created by both the production and the consumption of these items or product. Disposable products, such a pens, take away food containers, plates, shavers and cutlery, are made using the Earth’s resources. When these products are thrown away, the resources are lost.
Another example of waste is the unnecessary packaging on many products. The material is often not recycled and used again.
Throwing thing away also increases pollution. The amount of disposable plastic litter that ends up in waterways is a serious problem. When this waste reaches the oceans, it can kill marine life.
Industrialist counter these arguments with their own point of view. They claim that consumer’s expect to be able to purchase food which is attractively presented, prepackaged to extent its life and easy to store. In a busy  society, convenience is a priority. Products which make life easier, era in demand. Industrialist argue that they cater to this perceived need.
Packaging is also big business and provides jobs for many people who might otherwise be unemployed and a burden to society.
Environmentalist declare that for thousands of year, people  survived perfectly well with re-usable products. However, people of the twenty-first century have become used to wing in a ‘thrown-away’ society. It is up to each one of us to dispose of waste products carefully, recycle as much as possible and to reduce the stress on our environment. Think when buying pre-packaged goods and consider whether the same products can be bought without the extra wrappings. Let’s make the best of what we have.

Social Function
To present (at least) two points of view about an issue.

Generic Structure
1. Issue:
·         Statement
·         Preview
2. Arguments for against or statement of differing points of view:
·                     Point
·                     Elaboration
3. Conclusion or recommendation
Significant Lexicogrammatical Features

1. Focus on generic human and generic non-human Participants
2. Use of:
·                     Material Processes, e.g. has produced, have developed, to feed
·                     Relational Processes, e.g., is, could have, cause are
·                     Mental Processes, e.g., feel.
3. Use of Comparative, contrastive and Consequential conjunctions
4. Reasoning expressed as verbs and nouns (abstraction).

NEWS ITEM                                                                                                                 JON SASTRO
Growing Number of High School Student Smoking
A survey has found about 13 percent of first-time smokers in the country are junior high school students. It also revealed 89 percent of young female employees were smokers.

The survey was conducted in five major cities across the country, including Surakarta in Central Java.

Muhammad Syahril Mansyur, the Surakarta Health Agency’s respiratory illness division, said that the finding of the survey showed an alarming growth rate of Indonesian smokers. "This situation is a cause for concern,” he said. “It appears the country’s younger generation is uneducated about the health risks of smoking.”

The Indonesian anti-tobacco campaign has reportedly been deemed as ineffective as the government refuses to sign the international convention on tobacco control. It said that cigarette producers contributed to a large amount to state revenue and gave jobs to thousands of workers.

Social function:
To inform readers or listeners about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.

Generic structure:
1. News worthy event ( tells the event in a summary form)
2. Background events ( elaborate what happened, tell what caused the incident)
3. Sources ( comments by participants, witnesses, authorities and experts involved in the event)

Language features:
ü Information on the use of head lines.
ü Use of action verbs
ü Use of saying verbs
ü Use of passive sentences
ü Use of adverbs in passive sentences

REVIEW TEXT                                                                                                            JON SASTRO
2012 Film

2012 is Roland Emmerich's film which uses the Mayan calendar and other end-of-days prophecies for their doomsday scenario. It imagines the world coming to an end in 2012.

2012 film brings off a series of wonders. The movie hits its peak early on. It starts when Cusack drives a limo through the streets of Los Angeles as freeways and skyscrapers crumble all around him from the shock of a 10.5 earthquake. The preposterous flying sequence is equally thrilling. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark, when an equipment malfunction almost threatens the entire mission.

Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or edited with the requisite clarity. In 2012 film, Emmerich leaves us befuddled as to exactly what is happening to whom. However, Emmerich' 2012 deserves credit for offbeat casting. Cusack supplies his trademark hangdog charm. McCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as Peet's cocky. Danny Glover lends dignity to the role of the tormented president. Chiwetel Ejiofor, as the chief scientist, brings a moving sense of anguish to a stock role. Platt has fun playing the villain of the piece, and Woody Harrelson also chews the scenery as a bug-eyed radio prophet trying to warn his listeners about Armageddon.

All in one, 2012's cinematography, production design and visual effects are awards-worthy. Music also propels the movie. It presents American Idol runner-up, Adam Lambert, who provides a rousing anthem over the end credits.

Social function
 To criticize an art work or event for a public audience.

Generic structure:
1. Orientation ( background information on the text)
2.  Evaluation ( concluding statement : judgment, opinion, or recommendation. It can consist of more than one.
3. Interpretative Recount ( summary of an art works including characters and plot).
4. Evaluative summation: the last opinion consisting the appraisal or the punch line of the art works being criticized.

language features :
Focus on specific participants
Use of simple present tense
The use of general nouns
The use of relating verbs

HORTATORY EXPOSITION                                                                                     JON SASTRO
Watch your Kids While Watching TV

Television becomes one of the most important devices which takes place in almost houses. It can unite all members of the family as well as separate them. However, is it important to know what your kids are watching? The answer is, of course, absolutely "Yes" and that should be done by all parents. Television can expose things you have tried to protect the children from, especially violence, pornography, consumerism and so on.

Recently, a study demonstrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the day or at bedtime often cause bed-time disruption, stress, and short sleep duration.

Another research found that there is a significant relationship between the amount of time spent for watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the possibility of being aggressive.
Meanwhile, many studies have identified a relationship between kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight.

Considering some facts mentioning above, protect your children with the following tips:
·                     Limit television viewing to one-two hours each day
·                     Do not allow your children to have a TV set in their own bedrooms
·                     Review the rating of TV shows which your children watch
·                     Watch television with your children and discuss what is happening in the show

Social functions
To persuade the reader or listener that somethings should or should not be in the case
Generic structure
·         Thesis
·         Arguments
·         Recommendation

Grammatical features
·         Use simple present tense
·         Use relational processes
·         Use the internal conjunction to state argument

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