v What is language?
Bahasa Inggris
adalah bahasa Jermanik Barat, yang berasal dari Inggris. Bahasa ini merupakan kombinasi antara
beberapa bahasa lokal yang dipakai oleh orang-orang Norwegia, Denmark, dan Anglo-Saxon dari abad ke-6 sampai 10.
Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa pertama
di Amerika Serikat, Antigua dan Barbuda, Australia, Bahama, Barbados, Bermuda, Britania Raya, Guyana, Jamaika, Saint Kitts dan Nevis, Selandia Baru
dan Trinidad dan Tobago.
Di dunia bahasa Inggris merupakan
bahasa kedua pertama yang dipelajari. Bahasa Inggris bisa menyebar karena
pengaruh politik dan imperialisme Inggris dan selanjutnya Britania Raya di
dunia. Salah satu pepatah Inggris zaman dahulu mengenai kerajaan Inggris yang
disebut Imperium Britania (British Empire) adalah tempat “Matahari yang
tidak pernah terbenam” (“where the sun never sets”).
Tata bahasa Inggris memiliki
variasi dalam struktur dan penggunaannya, itu tergantung tradisi yang digunakan
oleh suatu negara yang dipengaruhi oleh bahasa asli dari negara tersebut.
Secara umum, tata bahasa yang dipedomani adalah tata bahasa Inggris Amerika dan
Inggris Britania Raya (British).
The Study of Language
Language acquisition
One of the first things that should strike any half
observant parent is the speed and apparent accuracy in which a child proceeds
to learn his or her own language. This remarkably rapid development seems to
fly in the face of many known facts about the nature of language so much so
that it has become widely accepted in the scientific community to think of language
and its acquisition as one of many utterly unexplainable mysteries that beset
us in our daily lives. Even the most clever of scientists today do not know
where to begin with trying to unravel the range of complexities that all of
language brings. Even so, the child moves ever onward, seemingly with little
deference to this so-called mystery and proceeds with little effort to crack
the sacred code nonetheless.
How could this be? Firstly, parents provide very little
in the way of language instruction to the child contrary to what might be
believed, parents do not teach their children to speak. Most parents wouldn’t
even have the means in which to explain language overtly to a child even if
they wanted). In fact, parents spend the majority of time correcting falsehoods
(those little white lies) rather than correcting erroneous grammars.
On the mere face of it, one would think children grow-up
being little lawyers seeking out truths rather than little linguists seeking
out correct hypotheses to their language. Thank God, the latter indeed
prevails. Children will continue to lie in order to take-on an advantage,
while, without exception, by-and-by acquiring their mother language. By the
time a child enters pre-school, she has more-or-less mastered much of her
target language. However, in light of these remarkable achievements, children
do seem to go through varying degrees of stages along the way to their full
mastery. It is this notion of stages of acquisition that has interested the
developmental linguists most.
Language Acquisition vs. Language
Judie Haynes
Should grammar be taught to young elementary age English
language learners? Learn what the difference is between language acquisition
and language learning.
One of the questions I am most frequently asked is about
teaching grammar rules to very young English language learners. Those of you
who follow the "Ask Judie" bulletin board already know my answer to
that question. I would not teach grammar out of context to young students. (I
am asked for grammar lessons for 1st and 2nd graders!) Research has shown that
"out of context" grammar drills do not work with students of any age.
Teachers of English language learners should really be developing the oral
communication, reading, vocabulary, and writing skills of their young students.
The grammar will take care of itself. Read predictible books. Teach thematic
units. Any mention of a grammar rule should be within the context of those
Age and Language Learning
exactly is the relationship between age and language learning? There are
numerous myths and misconceptions about the relative abilities or inabilities
of language learners of different ages. Do children learn language faster? Is
it impossible for adults to achieve fluency? In a word - no. These and other
common beliefs are simply not true. Children do not necessarily learn faster
than adults and, in fact, adults may learn more efficiently. Furthermore, there
is no loss of language ability or language learning ability over time. Age is
not a detriment to language learning, and by all accounts, learning a second
(or third etc) language actually keeps the older language learners mind active.
· Age
Related Factors In Language Learning
Health is an important factor
in all learning, and many chronic diseases can affect the ability of the
elderly to learn. Hearing loss affects many people as they age and can affect a
person's ability to understand speech, especially in the presence of background
noise. Visual acuity also decreases with age. (Hearing and vision problems are
not restricted exclusively to the older learner, however.) It is important that
the classroom environment compensate for visual or auditory impairments by
combining audio input with visual presentation of new material, good lighting,
and elimination of outside noise (Joiner, 1981).
· Aptitude:
Aptitude refers to the special ability involved in
second language learning (Douglous et al 1995). The relationship between
aptitude and second language learning success is a very important one and
various studies, such as Gardner (1980) and Skehan (1989) have reported that
aptitude is a major factor determining the level of success of second language
learning (Douglousetal1995).
can have a good aptitude for learning. This can infer various things, such as:
understanding of the function of words in sentences.
ability to understand and use grammatical rules.
- Memory
of key words, what they mean and how to use them.
An important point
regarding aptitude and second language learning is that successful learners may
not be strong in all the components of aptitude and can still succeed at
learning a second language. For example, some individuals may have strong
memories but only average abilities in the other components of aptitude (Spada
The social psychological factor of motivation has been
proven to account for differential success in second language learning. A
motivated student can be defined as someone who:
"Expends effort, is persistent and attentive to
the tasks at hand, has goals, desires and aspirations, enjoys the activity,
makes attributions concerning success or failure, is aroused and makes use of
strategies to aid in achieving goals (Dornyei 2003, p.173).
It makes sense that those individuals who are
motivated to learn the second language will learn faster and to a greater
degree than those who are not. Considering most primary schools now have
a compulsory second language program, this can result in students who are
learning a second language either resenting or being enriched by the
learning. This is supported by Gass (1993): If the students only reason
for learning a second language is external pressure, a students motivation may
be minimal and result in lack of success(p.11). Furthermore, if students
feel that they are not going to need the language in their lives, students may
not be motivated and attitudes toward leaning that language may be negative
(Gass et al 1993). As a second language teacher, it is important that you adopt
strategies to motivate the students to learn.
As in all school topics, learning strategies are a
factor of second language learning. One definition of learning strategies is:
Steps or actions taken by learners to improve the
development of their language skills (Gass et al 1993, p.265).
Different learning strategies work best for different
people when learning a second language. For example, one student may
learn vocabulary through writing and practicing the vocabulary using cue cards,
whereas another student may only read the vocabulary and learn that way.
Although it is clear that students can be more successful
in second language learning if they adopt particular learning strategies to
suit them, theorists such as Bialystok (1990) and Cohen (1992), have found the
learning strategies field to have its problems, as some aspects are not yet
clear. These problems include that it is difficult to separate the
conscious from the unconscious and the difficulty of showing what contributions
they have on language learning (Gass et al 1993). As Grass (1993)
insights, learning strategies is clearly an important area but there needs to
be more theoretically sound research.
Learners emotional states have a powerful influence on
their behaviour and performance in the classroom and other learning
situations. There are various theories that claim that personality
factors are important predictors of success in second language learning.
Personality traits such as extroversion, introversion, risk-taking,
independence and empathy have been the basis of discussions and disputes
relating to this topic (Ellis 1986).
Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar
kita berbicara tentang pengajaran, orang mau tak mau harus mengarahkan
perhatian pada 4 hal utama yaitu i) tujuan yang hendak dicapai, ii) strategi
belajar mengajar, iii) buku ajar, dan iv) kompetensi profesional untuk
berwe-wenang mengajarkannya. (Nababa, 1993: 181).
disadari bahwa Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kepen-didikan (LPTK) yang bertang-gung
jawab atas pendidikan tenaga-tenaga kependidik-an, tidak mempunyai program
pendidikan tanpa tenaga kependidikan yang memiliki kewenangan mengajar-kan
bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar. Sebelum adanya Kurikulum Kependi-dikan yang
berlaku secara Nasional tahun 1994, LPTK diarahkan untuk menghasilkan tenaga
pengajar untuk SMA.
untuk Sekolah Dasar, untuk Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan atau SMK dan SLTP pun LPTK
tidak siap. Ini berarti bahwa penyelenggaraan pengajaran bahasa Inggris di
Sekolah Dasar tidak ditangani oleh guru yang memang kompetenasi mengajar bahasa
Inggris untuk SD. Ini berarti bahwa pengajaran bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar
diselenggarakan secara coba-coba belaka. Padahal apapun juga yang diajarkan di
SD sebagai lembaga pendidikan dasar yang paling awal, mempunyai pengaruh yang
besar terhadap pengajaran di jenjang pendi-dikan yang lebih tinggi. Kuat
lemahnya dasar yang berhasil diletakkan di Sekolah Dasar akan menentukan
perkembangan selanjut-nya.
A. Leontiev dalam bukunya Psychology and the Language Learning Process (1989) mengemu-kakan mengenai belajar bahasa
pada masa kanak-kanak bahwa “Language learning in an early age of a child (6 –
12 years old) has a deceptive effect. His language development will be greatly
affected by his experience in learning the language. When he has undergone the
right track of learning his language acquisition will develop smoothly
(Leontiev, 1989 : 211).
Leontiev ini memberi peringatan bahwa
pengajaran bahasa, khususnya suatu bahasa asing, harus, harus dijalani sesuai
dengan tuntutan pembelajaran anak. Dan untuk dapat berbuat demikian, diperlukan
seorang guru yang benar-benar kompeten untuk itu.
pengajaran bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar masih belum merupakan kegiatan
kurikuler nasional, maka buku ajarpun tidak tersedia. Guru harus menggunakan
bahan ajar darurat yang kesesuaian dan kemanfaatannuya tidak bisa dipastikan.
dengan tidak tersedianya guru bahasa Inggris di SD, strategi belajar-mengajar
yang benar dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pem-belajaran siswa juga tidak bisa di
hanya satu: hasil belajar bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar tidak bisa dinilai,
karena tidak tidak bisa ditentukan tujuan yang hendak dicapai.
pandangan Leontiev dijadikan pegangan, maka dapat diprediksi bahwa pengajaran
bahasa Inggris di SLTP dan di SMU juga tidak mampu mencapai tujuan yang
diharapkan. Dan yang lebih buruk, kesalahan belajar di SD akan dibawa serta di
SLTP dan SMU dan selanjutnya. Selain dari itu gairah siswa untuk belajar bahasa
Inggris tidak atau akan sukar di kembangkan karena mereka mempunyai pengala-man
yang tidak menyenangkan mempelajari bahasa itu di Sekolah Dasar.
Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris sebagai muatan lokal yang ada bila
benar-benar kita cermati masih banyak kelemahannya. Tujuan yang merupakan salah
satu komponen penting pengajaran bahasa Inggris tidak sesuai untuk perkembangan
anak usia 6–12 tahun. Empat Kurikulum Muatan Lokal (Jatim, Jateng, Jabar, DIY)
yang telah dikaji menunjukkan adanya perbedaan dalam pendekatan dalam
penysusunan, tujuan, dan materi/topik.
Pembelajaran bahasa asing untuk sekolah dasar di luar negeri sudah
dimulai tahun 60-an, mencapai puncak pada tahuan 70-an dan sempat surut. Namun
sekarang sejak tahun 90-an telah terjadi ledakan anak belajar bahasa asing
lebih dini. Bahasa asing di SD sebenarnya untuk memperkenalkan kepada siswa
bahwa ada bahasa lain selain bahasa ibu. Di Indonesia dengan adanya
kebijakan di muka, seyogyanya bahasa Inggris diperkenalkan melalui kegiatan
yang sesuai dengan kegiatan di dunia anak. Misalnya, belajar kosakata dan
kalimat sederhana tentang apa yang ada di sekitarnya atau belajar sambil
menggambar, menyanyi, bermain, dan berceritera. Bagaimana kenyataan di lapangan
sekarang? Anak-anak SD ditugasi untuk menerjemahkan kalimat-kalimat yang sulit,
mencatat tata bahasa dengan istilah yang tidak dimengerti oleh siswa, dan
mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah yang sering tidak jelas perintahnya sehingga ada
jawaban yang rancu.
Pasal 7
mata pelajaran agama dan akhlak mulia pada SD/MI/SDLB/Paket A, SMP/MTs/SMPLB/Paket
B, SMA/MA/SMALB/ Paket C, SMK/MAK, atau bentuk lain yang sederajat dilaksanakan
melalui muatan dan/atau kegiatan agama, kewarganegaraan, kepribadian, ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknologi, estetika, jasmani, olah raga, dan kesehatan.
mata pelajaran kewarganegaraan dan kepribadian pada SD/MI/SDLB/Paket A,
SMP/MTs/SMPLB/Paket B, SMA/MA/SMALB/ Paket C, SMK/MAK, atau bentuk lain yang
sederajat dilaksanakan melalui muatan dan/atau kegiatan agama, akhlak mulia,
kewarganegaraan, bahasa, seni dan budaya, dan pendidikan jasmani.
Kelompok mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi pada SD/MI/ SDLB/Paket
A, atau bentuk lain yang sederajat dilaksanakan melalui muatan dan/atau
kegiatan bahasa, matematika, ilmu pengetahuan alam, ilmu pengetahuan sosial,
keterampilan/kejuruan, dan muatan lokal yang relevan.
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